Visit our
Research Room
The museum maintains an onsite research room that contains a variety of historical resources including:
Champaign-Urbana City Directories
Historical Maps
Ephemera Files
People and Family Files
Historical Photographs
We also encourage researchers to visit the Champaign County Historical Archives at The Urbana Free Library. The Archives maintains a research-level collection on the history and genealogy of Champaign County and its residents. The collection is open to the public for research without an appointment.
Champaign County Historical Archives
210 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801
Phone: 217-367-4025

Visiting the Research Room
Advance reservations are highly encouraged and walk-in visits may be denied based on staffing levels. The Research Room is open during regular hours however, we ask that research projects conclude 30 minutes prior to closing time to allow staff to close out the room and put materials away.
To reserve a time to utilize our resources in our archives and library please email our Museum Manager at wbest@champaigncountyhistory.org